I received a call from Khian a few days back telling me that he had 2 spots to go fishing in Pekan last weekend for some Ebek and Ang Koli. Seeing that I was kinda free that weekend I quickly agreed and told him I will secure the other angler in 5 minutes. I called Ming and the deal was sealed.
Packing and Ready to GO

The place with the fucking BEST Pari

The Boat which we didnt go on

A day before the trip (Thursday) Khian called and said that he had to pull out from the trip due to some complications. I decided not to ask too much, more importantly, the trip was still on!
I was to meet a pair of anglers who were featured on his blog www.kyfk.blogspot.com Loui and Suynia. They are one of the most accommodating and fun pair of anglers I have met and I was amazed by their love for fishing…just so that you know, Suynia is the Queen of Ebek’s as she personally landed a 9kg specimen on the last trip. Now that is a crown worth bragging for a Loooooooooooong time!
The Room we Stayed in

the Arsenal in the "TANK"



The Boat that we got On

Well here is the story of the trip….it was a FISHcapade with a really cool couple and a very close friend, Brother Miss Angkoli Ming.
Friday, 12th June 2009
We planned to meet at my house and to go in Loui’s car. Ming drove the “TANK” to my house just in case. When Loui arrived, we decided that we should swap cars and go in the “TANK” instead as it would fit the big ass ice box and also the load of Arsenal which we brought.
Do NOT place a dead fish with drinking water! IT STINKS!

Suynia wit Dunno Wat

Ming and Sotong

Me with I oso Dunno wat

Ming Squid FRENZY!

So at 9pm sharp, we were off to the land of Ebek’s. the whole journey there took about 3 and a half hours. We stopped at a stall and had some really good “Ikan Pari Bakar” and stale mee gorengs. We reached the boatman’s house at about 1am.
Loui was totally at home when we got there. He knew the place inside out as he has booked 2 trips a month for the whole year with this boatman. Talk about dedication, this guy spends 2 weekends a month in Pekan fishing, ite like his second home!
Louie....the other Boatman akakakakakkakaak


Me + Nasty Lemak + Winston = Siesta time...

Boatman and Arumugam

Ming and Arumugam

Accommodation was so so only as but who cares, as long as it doesn’t smelly funny, im ok with it. As usual, there was the usual tackle talks, the notes exchanging, the line tying, the smoking, the preparations and then, we try to sleep. I could hardly sleep as usual so I ended up only getting 2 hours of sleep coz we had to get up by 6am!!
Saturday, 13th June 2009 – On Board Grumpy Uncle
I was told that we will be brought fishing by Loui’s boatman’s dad. We have been pre-briefed that the old man has a temper but you know what, it doesn’t matter, as long as we know where the line is drawn, I think trip will be ok.
Had a first glimpse of the old man in the morning taking a piss in the toilet. He didn’t look as scary I thought he would be, just that he didn’t have enough teeth. Well he was well, grumpy but in actual fact, he had a funny sense of humor. Just an old man who like to chat about the good old days and I was totally fine with that.
We went to a stall nearby the place for some FANTASTIC breakfast. If anyone is going to this place, you have GOT to try the YELLOW PACKED NASI LEMAKS. It is out of this world! I told Loui that we need to buy 20 packets of nasi lemak and he looked at me and asked “ARE YOU FOR REAL??” He had no idea on how much I can actually eat on board.
Loui & Dunno Wat
Ming & 6KG mafakkin EBEK
YEAH we freaking ROCKED it MAFAKKA's!
I LOVE Trevally's!
Me and My Trevally

Pekan is almost like Rompin just that this place doesn’t have a proper jetty for you to board the boats. Every fishing spot is just nearby but Karang Luas. This place takes minimum 1 and a half hours to get to. I went there once with Darren and Damien some time back.
Well on this day, fishing wasn’t exactly what we expected. I only managed to land 1 fish of a below decent size. Everyone else also the same story but you know what, it didn’t matter. I got to know the fishing crazed couple a little bit more and they were really fun to fish with. And also, I had a GREAT time with all the nasi lemak’s that we bought, yup, all 9 packets of it.
We got to a sotong spot and we were landing sotong after sotong’s. Of course, no sotong fishing excursion will be complete without being slurted with black ink all over. Loui was the champ as he had squid ooze squirted allover his face by Ming. Ming was the champion troublemaker as he ensured that all on board was squirted with some ooze.
Suynia + 2.8kg Ang Koli...GIVE IT UP FOR THE EBEK QUEEN! (9kg's ok...dont play play!)

Yeah...I ROCKED IT akakakakakakaka

And not forgetting....the NGAU JUK POSE!

Loui in ACTION!

Ah Boy with ANG KOLI!

I think the boatman was pretty worried that we didn’t catch anything as he was getting pretty furious over the phone with some customers who called to book the boat but asked like stupid questions. I mean, give the guy a break, he aint god, he cant tell you if you came next week on Tuesday there will be fish. No one can guarantee you that….let’s just be honest to ourselves. I would have exploded on the guy if I was him as I was already pressured that there wasn’t a decent sized fish caught.
When we got back on land, we saw his son’s boat. His ice box was filled to the brim. And it was the first time I ever saw a leather jacket fish. They call it “Chicken Meat Fish” in Chinese. He was nice to have offered us a few of it for dinner that night and it was DAMN TASTY!.
Sunday, 14th June 2009 – On Board Ah Boy
Ok, on this day, I met the friendliest boatman and the coolest boatman. He brought us to all the right spots we were getting Ang Koli strikes after strikes!...I mean we just got strikes but not many were landed. I was amazed by the brut strength of this fish. The first run was just INSANE! I landed the biggest specimen for the trip, a 4kg Ang Koli! I usually don’t keep the fishes that I catch but because my wife loves it, I had to keep this one.

The Ang Koli Ming NEVER caught.....

Boatman 2....Mr Loui akakakakakakkakak

My Stella & Branzino.....I LIKE!

Chicken Meat Fish!!!

Ming on the other hand landed an Ebek of 6kg’s! but sadly, our friend couldn’t land any Ang Koli. He had so many hook-ups but just couldn’t handle the first run. This opened the door for a FULL ON Thrash talking from me as I landed mine the first time…..and It was the biggest akkakakakakakakakakakakaka.
Loui landed the most fish of the trip. He landed 2 sharks, 2 god knows what fish, Ang koli’s and leather jackets. I ended up with 1 Ang Koli ( the biggest one thank you) and a Striped Trevally, if that’s what you call it. Suynia landed some fishes which I have no idea what their names are and her long time dream, an Ang Koli of 2.8kg’s.
Boat Man 2.....LOUI

Ming & 6kg EBEK!



REAL SIZE of the EBEK....CONGRATS Ming Mr Missed Ang Koli!

All in all, the second day of fishing was just rcking, the boatman was fantastico and we had an awesome time. I had 13 packets of nasi lemak that day and too much fun.
To Loui and Suynia, welcome to the world of “SOMETIMES CAN” Anglers
G.T King
Yellow Fin Tuna King
Ang Koli King
good report mate ... thumb up !!
in total, how many nastys?
too many....1st day, i had about 9 packets, 2nd day, i went all out for 12 packets....not including the 2 packs of bee hoon i had.... akakakakakakkaka
darling, i think u should stay away from NASTYs for a few days!!!
im ok already...im ready for more nasty lemaks...PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE MAFAKKIN AIR FOR NASTY LEMAK!
Nice CR man, enjoyed the pics !
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